What is an Address verification?

Address verification is the process of confirming a candidate's address in order to confirm their identity and work authorization. Address information is an important part of personal data because it can verify a person's identity.

Why is an Address check required?

  1. Confirm your candidates' identity and right to work to protect your company from liability and the risk of hiring misidentified candidates.
  2. Protect your company's confidential information from candidates who aren't who they say they are, as well as potential legal ramifications.
  3. Screening your potential candidates ahead of time will save you time and money in the long run by allowing you to determine whether the candidate has been correctly identified and matches the job experience provided.
  4. Candidates and employees who are not forthcoming with their address information may be displaying a lack of integrity in their work. 

Where is a background check for Address required?

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How does IDfy performs the Address check?

  1. IDfy proceeds with the digital address verification as the primary option for verifying the address. 
  2. When IDfy is unable to verify digitally, a Site Audit will be performed. In Site audit, a physical visit to the location will be performed, if the location falls under the category of serviceable locations. 
  3. Accuracy of confirmation is subject to the information provided by the person providing address verification.