What is an Education verification?

One of the most important criteria for hiring an employee is education. And considering the increased number of frauds, education verification is mandatory as part of background checks. It ensures that the candidate has a formal level of education, irrespective of the industry or the collar colour that designates a worker.

Why is an Education verification required?

Verifying an employee's educational history is crucial, especially because an employee's education history is frequently inaccurate or incomplete.

A simple review of previous cases reveals that candidates frequently misrepresent their educational credentials in a variety of situations, including:

  1. Changes to the name of the course or degree
  2. Dates and lengths of courses/degrees have changed
  3. Faking grades or results
  4. Courses that have been abandoned are shown as completed.

Where is a background verification for Education required?

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How does IDfy perform the Education verification?

  1. IDfy or its Agents solicits a written response from the verifier via email or letter. IDfy’s agents may need to visit the institute or use other means available to obtain written confirmation, stamp, and sign.
  2. If the response received is from an email address with an unofficial domain, IDfy further tries to authenticate the email address via web searches or via officials of the organization.

  3. In some instances, IDfy or its Agents might have to disclose the company name to the verifier to obtain the verification.

  4. If the Institute/University is unapproved by the government, IDfy attempts to validate the Institute/University via web searches. IDfy will close the case as per the output of web searches.

  5. IDfy will obtain a case-to-case payment approval via insufficiency for international verifications.